Konya Çocuk Göz Doktoru ve Konya Bebek Göz Muayenesi için Konya Göz Doktoru Prof. Dr. Bengü Ekinci Köktekir Özel Göz Kliniğinden randevu alabilirsiniz.

Since children cannot express their complaints like adults, eye examination should be done much more carefully in them. Children with complaints such as watering and burring in the eye due to lacrimal duct obstruction, eye scratching, frequent blinking, watching television and tablet/phone too closely, strabismus, should be taken to an ophthalmologist without delay. The fact that some eye diseases are not diagnosed and treated in childhood can lead to irreversible vision loss.

How Often Should Children Have Eye Examination?

The baby’s first eye examination should be done by the pediatrician after birth.

Unless your doctor recommends otherwise, eye exams should be performed by a specialist doctor at the following frequency:

At 6 and 12 months following the first eye examination.
3 and 5 years old.
Regularly every year during the school process.